Gulf Shore Blvd Restoration
City of Naples Resident
If you believe that sidewalks and bike lanes keep cyclists and pedestrians safe, please join us by contacting Naples City Council and Mayor.
Read more about the restoration below.
To contact all City Council Members and the City Manager:
Mayor Teresa Heitmann: 239-213-1000
Vice Mayor Terry Hutchison: 239-213-1005
Ted Blankenship: 239-213-1027
Raymond Christman: 239-213-1035
Michael McCabe: 239-213-1011
Paul Perry: 239-213-1009
Gary Price: 239-213-1004
Naples City Hall
735 8th Street South
Naples, FL 34102
The City of Naples storm water outfall project recently began. The state of Florida has mandated this work be completed to improve the water quality draining into the Gulf of Mexico, which costs Naples tax payers millions of dollars. Failure to comply will result beach re-nourishment permits being denied. The project will require the removal and replacement of the entire roadway between 8th Ave N and 2nd Ave S. on Gulf Shore Boulevard (GSB) south of the Naples Beach Hotel. The project will limit construction areas to segments of two blocks and will require utilizing a significant area within of the 60 foot public right of way for road bed fill and equipment.
City Council directed staff last June to move forward and submit a restoration plan which includes the removal and replacement of storm water pipes, roadway and sidewalk, while maintaining utility services and access to all homes adjacent in the effected area. All of this must be done within the city's 60 foot right of way. The city planners have also suggested that council consider replacing an aging water main and raise the road bed to be increase storm water resiliency against rising sea levels. Lastly, rebuild the roadways with accordance with the City's "Complete Streets" Resolution and Blue Zones Initiatives.
There's no better time than now to reconstruct GSB with multi-modal transportation options and follow through with the resolutions City Council passed in 2014 and 2015 directing public safety enhancements for all road users. The plans provide 20,000 Naples residents and visitors with facilities to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Studies have concluded that "Sharrows" are dangerous and used when there are no other options. The addition of bike lanes will take the bicycles off the sidewalk and significantly improve the safety of runners, walkers, their pets and cyclists.
The addition of bike lanes and a wider sidewalk on this stretch of GSB will provide the necessary connectivity to the new Central Avenue bike lanes and sidewalks. This will give people the option to walk and bike to and from Baker Park and the Gordon River Greenway, Lowdermilk Park, Naples Beach Hotel, the Edgewater Beach Hotel and to 5th Ave and 3rd Street via Central Ave.
Let City Council know they must take this opportunity to improve GSB with safe multi-modal transportation options. Simply moving the curb 2.5 ft on the east and west within the public right of way will provide safety to all.