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Florida is now among the majority of states that texting and driving is a primary offense.  That means that law enforcement may now issue a citation if they see you texting and driving.  We would like to see fines increased but this is an important first step to saving lives in Florida. Learn more

Distracted driving is the number one cause of vehicular crashes in the United States. 



Email Collier County’s state legislators - Sen. Passidomo and Reps. Donalds, Rommel, and Trujillo – and voice your concern about the dangers of texting while driving and ask them to VOTE FOR STIFFER PENALTIES. Tell them YOU WILL BE WATCHING! Email addresses are on this page.

  Share these statistics from the National Safety Council with your friends and family and make them aware of the dangers of texting while driving.

  • Over 2.5 million people in the U.S. are involved in road incidents each year. Of these, 1.6 million have cell phones involved - that's 64%!
  • Every year approximately 421,000 people are injured in crashes involving a driver who was distracted.
  • 78% of all distracted drivers are distracted because they are texting.
  • Each year over 330,000 crashes caused by texting while driving lead to severe injuries.
  • Texting and driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than driving while drunk.
  • It takes an average of three seconds after a driver's mind is taken off the road for an accident to occur.
  • Reading a text message while driving distracts a driver for a minimum of five seconds each time.
  • In five seconds, a car going 55 mph covers the length of a football field. Not good news when the driver is looking at the phone instead of the road. The time a driver spends with eyes off the road increases by approximately 400% if texting.
  • Your chances of a crash for any reason increases by 23% when you text while driving.
  • 77% of adult drivers say they can easily manage texting while driving. Really?

If that's not bad enough, here are the stats about teenagers:

  • 55% of teenage drivers say that they can easily manage texting while driving, yet 11 die every day as a result.
  • 94% of teenagers say they understand the consequences of texting and driving.  Only a small percentage actually admits to doing it.
  • 21% of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes each year were using a cell phone at the time of the crash.
  • Teen drivers are four times more likely than adults to be in a car crash when texting while driving.
  • 82% of American teenagers own a cell phone and use it regularly to talk and text.
  • When teens text while driving they veer off the lane 10% of their total drive time.
  • 48% of younger teens have been in a car while the driver was texting. Over 1600 children in that age group are killed each year because of crashes involving texting.


Have the following information ready: type of debris (muffler, dead raccoon), the lane it is in (street, bike lane, sidewalk), and the location with an address or landmark and nearest cross street or main road.

In the City of Naples report road debris to the Streets & Stormwater Department In Collier County report road debris to the Road Maintenance Division Contractors that leave debris in the public thoroughfare are violating the law. If you encounter a site with debris strewn on the street, bike lane or sidewalk and would like to discourage the contractor from repeating the offense, report the problem to the Code Enforcement as well. You will need to know the address or location. If the contractor’s name is on a sign or a truck parked onsite, report that, too.
  • In the City of Naples, call Code Enforcement at 239-213-5030.
  • In Collier County call Code Enforcement at 239-252-2440 or fill out the Report a Code Violation form on
We’re here to help you. Contact us and we will make the report, or let us know that you have made a report and we will follow up.

Phone: 239-777-7718

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