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  • 27 Aug 2021 11:22 AM | Michelle Avola-Brown (Administrator)

    Although we're happy to see no cyclist fatalities so far this year, three pedestrian deaths are too many. NPC is begging every driver, cyclist, and pedestrian to follow the rules of the road, put down your phones and other distractions, and watch out for vulnerable road users.

    Data provided by Florida's Signal 4 Analytics.

  • 22 May 2020 5:49 PM | Michelle Avola-Brown (Administrator)

    Even though we still need to adhere to safe social distancing guidelines and hold off on group rides, there are few better ways to enjoy this beautiful weather, get some exercise, or safely venture out as Florida starts reopening.

    All month long, please post pics of you and your bike on our Facebook page and share what you love most about cycling! There are so many reasons to ride, what's yours?

  • 22 May 2020 5:43 PM | Michelle Avola-Brown (Administrator)

    Growing membership numbers give us a stronger voice when we urge City and County decision makers to provide the safety measures we ALL need. Without Naples Pathways Coalition members pushing for bike lanes, sidewalks, and multi-use pathways, City Council and County Commissioners may forget their responsibility to serve and protect all road users. Improving our roadways is far more than just moving as many cars as quickly as possible. The safety of every person, regardless of their mode of travel, must be considered for every roadway improvement.

    Join TODAY so we have the strongest voice for safety! We have even extended our Florida Bike Month Special through the end of May in honor of National Bike Month.

    Membership is important - we need you!

  • 22 May 2020 5:24 PM | Michelle Avola-Brown (Administrator)

    We thank everyone who participated in the 18th Annual Ride of Silence to honor and remember cyclists who have been killed or seriously injured on our roadways. Because of the continued importance of following social distancing guidelines, we did not hold a mass group ride as in years past. Instead, particpants rode individually, as families, or in groups of no more than ten people. Many rode in honor of Jean Heuschen. 

    Again, we thank everyone who joined hundreds of thousands of other cyclists across the world to honor and remember cyclists who have been injured or killed.


  • 22 May 2020 4:42 PM | Michelle Avola-Brown (Administrator)

    We all must follow the rules and practice proper etiquette while walking, running or biking. We must stay alert and cautious as there are an increased number of novices enjoying outdoor recreation and not aware of these rules. Remind your family and friends of these rules as they are heading out to enjoy the fresh air.

    Laws are identified in BOLD print

    • Pedestrians must walk AGAINST traffic when in the road (this includes the shoulder, travel lane, and bike lane.)
    • Pedestrians should use sidewalks where present. If you leave the sidewalk, to maintain social distancing move to the grass and only to the road if you are traveling against the traffic.
    • If you must exit the sidewalk for the shoulder, travel lane, or bike lane - look both ways before entering.
    • Don't cross the street mid-block! Cross at a crosswalk or controlled intersection. Look both ways, keep your head up, and avoid distractions.
    • If a sidewalk is not present on a busy street, the area adjacent to the road is public right of way and you may walk/run in the grass. (example, the east side of Gulf Shore Blvd S.)
    • If there are no sidewalks, pedestrians may use the travel or bike lane.
    • Be considerate - If there is oncoming vehicular traffic and bicycles please walk/run in single file in the shoulder or bike lane or step onto the grass to allow bike to pass without being forced into the travel lane. Remember cyclist are traveling with the traffic and can't see vehicles from behind but you can!
    • Cyclists should always wear a helmet! It's smart for EVERYONE, and mandatory for youth under the age of 16.
    • Cyclists must ride WITH traffic.
    • Cyclists must obey all road rules. This includes making complete stops at all stop signs and signaled red lights and using hand signals when turning in traffic.
    • If bike lanes are present, cyclists should use them unless there are safety hazards.
    • Cyclists must NOT wear earbuds or headphones.
    • Cyclists may use sidewalks when there are not bike lanes present except when posted as restricted (example, downtown on 5th Avenue South).
    • If obstructions or hazards make the bike lane or sidewalk unsafe, use extreme caution when entering the shoulder, travel lane, or bike lane.
    • Keep your eyes up and alert to hazards at all times.
    • Motorists must give at least three feet clearance when passing. Slowing down until it is safe and legal to pass a cyclist will not significantly change your travel time!

  • 22 May 2020 4:39 PM | Michelle Avola-Brown (Administrator)

    We are devastated to share the news that Naples Pathways Coalition and the entire community has lost a dear friend, Jean Heuschen. On Tuesday, May 19th, he died doing one of the things he loved most, cycling.

    A past NPC board member, he was always ready with a smile, a story, and insight on current events around the globe and close to home. He leaves behind his high school sweetheart and adoring wife of over 50 years, Michelle, children Phillipe and Florence, two grandchildren, and countless grieving friends.

    He was a big man with an even bigger heart and love of life. He was passionate about excellent food and wine, cycling and cycling safety, and was an absolutely brilliant man of science with his Ph.D. in Polymer Science.

    Jean had logged well over 62,000 miles on the bike in the past ten years, across the United States and the world. Enjoying all that life has to offer here in Naples during season for the past 20 years, his home in Goult, in the Luberon section of Provence, France, was his castle.

    Our thoughts and prayers of comfort go out to Jean's family and all of us who will forever miss this amazing man.

  • 5 Jul 2019 1:44 PM | Catherine Faerber (Administrator)

    Naples Pathways Coalition is thrilled to announce the Paradise Coast Trail! We envision this to be a premier, 70+ mile trail built exclusively for safe and enjoyable walking, running and biking. Connecting Naples, Ave Maria, Immokalee and many other areas within and beyond Collier County, it will expand transportation options, improve health and wellness, reduce our carbon footprint and provide a destination to experience the Paradise Coast's unique beauty.

    As many of you know, Florida leads the nation in the number of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities. Too many of us have either been hit by a vehicle while biking or running, or had numerous close calls. Without a safe network of non-motorized multi-use pathways, it is getting less and less safe for us. Across the country and across the state, places like Dunedin, Winter Garden and Inverness enjoy extensive, connected multi-use pathways, and shockingly, Naples does not. The Gordon River Greenway and the Rich King Memorial Greenway are heavily used and very popular with residents and visitors to the area, but they are 4-miles in length or less and are not connected to other safe pathways.


    The Paradise Coast Trail will provide several benefits: improved quality of life and healthier lifestyle, economic benefits to the county, increases to property values, greater safety for recreational and commuter bicyclists, just to name a few!

    We have partnered with Rails to Trails Conservancy and hired consulting firm Kimley-Horn to help us bring this vision to reality. This past Friday, the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization voted in support of a resolution endorsing the project. The next big step is the feasibility study, and fundraising has already begun!

    We are hoping to fast track the trail's development and not wait on the typical improvement project time frame. If we can raise the funds needed for the feasibility study, we will be in a position to shave five years or more from the process! We invite you to donate today so we can all enjoy walking, running and biking on the Paradise Coast Trail as soon as possible.

  • 5 Jul 2019 1:30 PM | Catherine Faerber (Administrator)

    Check out the WINK News story on the Paradise Coast Trail here.

    Check out the NBC-2 News story here.

    Check out the Naples Daily News story here.

  • 13 May 2019 10:47 AM | Catherine Faerber (Administrator)

    Naples Pathways Coalition will be participating in the National Ride of Silence to honor cyclists who have been injured or killed while cycling, to raise awareness of the importance of bicycle safety, and to ask that everyone share the road.

    Everyone will meet at Cambier Park (755 8th Avenue S) at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15th. Helmets are required, and we will take a slow, hour-long ride in silence downtown as we remember friends, family and members of the community whose lives were lost or whose lives changed as a result of a crash while riding a bike.

    The community is encouraged to join us in this meaningful ride. Many participants will be wearing their neon yellow NPC shirts for visibility and unity. Shirts will be available for a donation before and after the ride.   

    There is no fee to participate in the Ride of Silence, but donations will be accepted to help advocate for the families of individuals killed while biking or those still struggling after a serious crash. 

    Please contact for more information.

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